February Song of the Month: Abigail

What's the cost of waiting for happily ever after?

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Are you waiting for the ball?
Like a princess in a fairy tale
Will the good prevail

Are you plucking petals now?
Sealed high up in an ivory tower
Passing all the hours
My little flower?

Can you keep your spirit strong
Waiting for the stroke of midnight?
Will you last that long?
To find a happy ever after ending?

Will you bite a poison fruit?
Or prick your finger on a spindle wheel?
To hide from what you feel
While you heal?

Will you sleep for years and years?
Like a feather on a placid sea
Waiting to be freed

Or will you jar awake
Underneath the shroud of nighttime?
Will that be your fate?
To find a happy ever after ending?

Are you waiting for the ball?
Like a princess in a fairy tale
Will the good prevail